SoundWave is the only place where you can enjoy music & radio while you look up for available or upcoming events, information about artists, photos, videos and Dj Mixes.
Aduio :This section allows you to listen to music or any radio station without stopping while you navigate on the site. As option you can add the artist name, music genre and release date. Another thing available is that you can choose from more than one display mode.
Events: SoundWave can display your upcoming events in a really nice manner. You can display each event on their own map with its location and venue, the price and availability of the tickets and last but not least the date of the event.
Photo: Soundwave also allows you to have how many photo albums you want. Once you create the desired album, in there you can post any amount of photos you desire.
Video: You can share any kind of videos from YouTube or Vimeo and also show the location or date of recording.
Artists: It’s a new kind of section where you can add data & personal information about your favorite artists in the music industry.
Dj Mixes: Here you can post the mixes that you like from different artists.
Slider: This theme has two types of slider : large or small. You also benefit of animation for the slider.
Theme Options: This theme allows you to chose a background pattern or you can choose to upload any background image that pleasures you. The logo, favicon, menu and link colors, and the rest of options are completely adjustable from the Theme Options.
Images, videos or songs are not included in the download of the template.
Songs are purchased from
The images are from Flickr under the Creative Commons license.
See the Changelog
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