Coffee & Cream is a Multipurpose Premium Wordpress Template with many features to create beautiful One page websites, Blogs, portfolio, Vcard…
Current version: 1.8
Theme Features :
- Revolution Slider – 15$ value
- 25 premium widgets
- Extensive admin Options: for fine tuning adepts!
- Fixed or scrollable main navigation
- 2 different mobile navigations: CSS/toggles & select dropdown
- 46 selected Google Fonts + add your own google fonts
- Easy to create One Page websites (do it with widgets)
- 10 Skins + 3 color schemes (dark, light & colored)
- Infinite layouts
- Improved Wordpress Galleries
- Top Notch Shortcodes
- I18n Ready (.po file included)
- Support for videos using the Wordpress Video Post Format
- Pricing grids
- Team Module
Some dedicated widgets to create your online Vcard
- Personal Information
- Education
- Employment
- Services (2 different templates)
- Skills
- Portfolio
- Contact Form
- Slider
- Clients
- Testimonials
- Social Media
- Last Tweets
- Download
Technical Stuffs
- Clean code
- HD display (retina)
- W3C Valid HTML 5
- CSS3
- jQuery
- Responsive Lightboxes
- 420 icons font by Glyphicons included
- Form validation
- Sortable Portfolio
- Parallax backgrounds
- PSDs to create Background Icons & Services Icons. Choose from 420 icons!
Images Credits
All images in the demo website are under Creative Commons
Change Log
1.8– 18-07-2013
- You can now use the read more tag in blog index pages
- It is now possible to hide post thumbnails from index pages and display them on detail page only
- o blog widget has been totally revamped : you can now use any of the different blog / portfolio styles : list, list 2, wide, wide 2, grid, masonry & mosaic
- o social widget can be used in side sidebars
- o contact widget can be used in side sidebars
- button shortcode has now 2 more options : you can set the button size (normal, big & xxl) and add an icon
- there are now 3 colorschemes available for google maps : normal, grey scales and sugar tinted
- there are now 3 options for google maps scrolling/grabbing : you can enable it, disable it, or only disable it for mobile devices (tablets & phones)
- the maps in o map & o contact widgets can now use the fullscreen mode. You can although set the height of the map
1.7.4 – 04-07-2013
- fix some minor bugs + contact form widget bug
V 1.7.3 – 04-07-2013
- fix the lighbox not opening
V 1.7.2 – 04-07-2013
- adds a new option for the menu for mobiles: css menu with toggles
- fixed some responsive issues (mostly on iPad)
V 1.7.1 – 03-07-2013
- fix the scrolling bug in the pages using the splash widget with fullscreen video
V 1.7 – 02-07-2013
- iPad display bugs are fixed
- The parallax script has been totally changed
- The Domino widget can now display a video instead of a picture
- The splash widget can now display a youtube video as background. A picture fallback will be used for mobiles and tablets
- Slides, clients and services links can now open in a new window. Just set the target attribute in the related custom post type (service, client or slide)
- You can now extend the font subsets. Some of you ha problems using fonts for other subsets such as latin-ext
- Customizong the menu is now easier with more options.
- Fix some bugs in the blog / focus / slider widget when displaying video posts
V 1.6 – 28-06-2013
- New Widget: Snippets – you can now embed in a one page widget any content that you could have in a page, even shortcodes
- New Widget: Team – create team members and display them with 2 different views (grid & carousel) and lot of styling otions.
- New Widget: Pricing tables – Create Pricing tables like a Ninja with this easy to manipulate widget. Display 1 to 5 grids at the same time and even a menu for comparative pricing tables
- New Widget: Call To Action – Easy embeding of call to action buttons. Select from various styles and positions
- You can now add your own Google Fonts and grow your collection to infinite (well, for as much as google provides!)
- PHP mail sending/controls fallback for Contact form widget when javascript is deactivated
- Toggle Shortcodes can now be opened by default
- Video Preview lightbox now opens bigger
- You can now easily sort the Services, Testimonials, Clients etc. just set the order value for each of them and they will be displayed in the desired order
- Minor bug display fixes
V 1.5.1 – 23-06-2013
- fix the missing translations in the Contact Form widget
- fix the styling of the columns shortcode when used in the Shortcode widget
V 1.5 – 21-06-2013
- fix some bugs (scrolling class in safari)
- you can now show full articles in the index pages: you can select to display excerpt, full content or nothing in the Misc options
- New shortcode to add columns
- Add WP-pagnavi support with styling to theme styles (just install wp-pagenavi, activate it and set to not use the plugin CSS)
- Add support for Audio Posts – ut for soundcloud shortcode only. More support to come (ie. .mp3) with wordPress 3.6
- New Domino Widget
- Add More Translations in the Theme Options translations tab: you can now translat all the contact form keywords
- You can now deactivate the use of the Title and Descriptions Metas when you have plugins managing it
V 1.4 – 19-06-2013
- fix some bugs
- update on the documentation for all widgets
- the demo content is now included in the package
- the widgets selection is now easier as One page template valid widgets are colored and although have an icon (available for reent rowsers only)
- 4 new widgets : o Map (google maps), o Splash (a splash screen xidget for a 100% window height picture), o Shortcodes (enable shortcodes in the one page template), o Navigation (allow you to place the main navigation where you want)
- o Focus widget updated : you can now select the picture format & style
- o Text widget updated : you can now style the title & description for more contrast when using a background image
- o Contact widget updated : you can now embed a google map before the contact form
- add a new picture format for wide 1, wide2, list 1, list 2 & grid layouts : Keep aspect ratio
- add some scroller class to make scroll links easier to create and more effective
V 1.3 – 14-06-2013
- REVOLUTION slider is now included in the package. Enjoy this great slider!
V 1.2 – 13-06-2013
- adds more options to manage the lightbox parameters
- improves the way the scrolling likes are made. You can now have a flat navigation with anchors to One Page template widgets
V 1.1 – 12-06-2013
- fix some minor bugs
- adds a second choice for google fonts
- add the new blog widget to focus on blog & portfolio items in a grid display within the One Page Template
- fix the twitter widget as since 11-06-2013 the javascript scripts cannot retrieve latest tweets anymore
V 1.0 – 11-06-2013
- NEW : First release
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