Simple Hosting is a complete hosting wordpress theme. This website is good for companies that offer hosting plans, hosting reseller, domains, vps, etc.
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Theme features
- HTML5 and CSS3 design
- Revolution Slider included – $15 Value
- Ztwitter widget included – $8 value
- Codeless tables for default packages
- More than 10 page templates
- Custom widgets area
- Admin pannel for hosting fields / packages
- Custom hosting panel, with easy editable / configurable steps.
- Unlimited Colors, with color picker for secondary website color.
- Enable/disable social icons from Admin Panel
- Contact page with Google Map API , and customizable marker,zoom, from Admin and working contact form
- Working Domain checker, with price setting
- Fully working Shopping Cart
- PDF Invoice generator / manager (delete, download, set paid, curency , VAT value, etc) and custom invoice design
- Custom Types
- Pretty Photo
- PSD files included
- Lots of shortcodes
Credits and Sources
We used icons for this theme from:
- Icon Finder
- Entypo Icons
Fonts used:
- Lato
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